Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday - June 20

Today was our third day at Bicentenario.  Things went well.

Afterward working at Bicentenario, I had a meeting scheduled at SENESCYT.  This organization has to do with way more than I understand, but one item includes (as I've been told) the creation of the four new universities in Ecuador, one of them call YACHAY (City of Knowledge).

Fulbright in Ecuador originally thought I might be able be of service to SENECYT and its work with the creation of these universities.

Alas, my meeting didn't happen because the person with whom I was to meet (Ramiro Moncayo) ended up not being available because other meetings popped up on his calendar.

I was aware that he is quite occupied, so came prepared with a one page listing of items where I might be able to contribute to YACHAY and the other universities.

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