Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday - June 18

This week we are at La Escuela Bicentenario in the south of Quito.  This school was started three years ago and is intended to be a model public school.

The teachers that I have met are all very dedicated to student learning.  The computer teacher we work with is so full of enthusiasm that it is contagious.

At this school you can tell they know what "time on task" means.  In one of the computer rooms where we taught, the computer teacher was teaching Excel to 5th graders, she had a good lesson plan and she was executing it well.

They have SmartBoards in some classrooms, but it might be the case that insufficient SmartBoard training was provided.

There is WiFi everywhere.

At the end of the first day we did professional development, both teams taught some html programming for the teachers, and it seemed to be well received.

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