Sunday, June 10, 2012

7 de junio - jueves

Today was another teaching day at America Latina.

In the afternoon, I was able to get an appointment with the Executive Director of Comisión Fulbright del  Ecuador (Map), Susana Cabeza de Vaca.  We had a very long talk about my upcoming Fulbright Scholar, universities in Ecuador, SENESCYT, higher education in Ecuador, etc.  In the end she arranged for me to have a meeting with Dr. Carlos Montúfar of Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (Map).  My appointment is scheduled for Tuesday, 12 de junio.  There might be an opportunity to work with San Francisco during my Fulbright trip to Ecuador.

After my meeting at Fulbright, I walked to Mall el Jardin Quito and awaited the others.  They had visited Panecillo while I was at my meeting.  After the mall, we went to see the dance Obra Una Puerta at the Teatro Nacional.

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